Income/Value Securities Portfolio Management
We want your part in this to be easy and for you to be confident that we can help you.
So, you open an account at Schwab and provide us with trading authority. You can speak to us at any time about our ideas and your portfolio structure.
You get performance reviews on demand, have a competitive fee, and can end the service at any time.
We spend our time searching the total marketplace for unique income and value securities that could appreciate, and we manage them in a portfolio just for you.
We leverage contacts and research resources developed over decades to discover our investment ideas.
Our reason for creating this service now is that we see a need. People have money to invest but most tend to fear the risk of popular stocks and indexes cycling down. This requires them to own contrarian ideas with distinct profiles like income and value support which react differently during market turmoil.
There are good reasons to believe that this style could return to favor. Just ask us why!